January 2015 Favorites

samedi, janvier 31, 2015 Unknown 1 Commentaires

Coucou les filles, il est l'heure de faire le point sur tous les produits utilisés lors de ce premier mois de l'année.

Hello girls, today is a day to evalue all the products from the first month of this year.

Dernier achat en date: ma gourde Tupperware. J'en voulais une depuis longtemps. Je les trouve fun avec leur couleur, elles sont économiques et surtout écologiques. Je ne parle pas beaucoup de cela sur le blog mais tout ce qui touche à l'environnement me plait beaucoup. Nous devons prendre un maximum soin de notre planète.

Last purchase: ma Tupperware water bottle. I've wanted one for so long. I love their colors, they're economical and ecological ! I don't speak a lot about the environnement on my blog, but I love this subject. We must take care of our planet.
Cette brosse Clinique Sonic System est un objet de luxe, mais tellement agréable ! Je ne l'utilise que 30 secondes par jour après m'être complètement démaquillée et je peux vous dire que malgré cela la brosse ressort orange que j'ai été maquillée la journée ou pas. C'est vraiment impressionnant donc c'est devenu une étape supplémentaire dans ma routine. Et ça masse la peau, c'est vraiment agréable.

This Clinique Sonic System is luxuary. I only use it for 30 seconds once a day after taking my make-up completely off and the brush on this get orange whether I wore make-up that day or not. It's really impressive and became a new step in my skin care routine. And it massages your skin and feels so good.
Je me suis récemment offert mon premier rouge à lèvre Mac pour aller avec le crayon que ma soeur m'a offert pour mon anniversaire de la même marque. Je voulais quelque chose de nude. La vendeuse m'a conseillé la couleur Jubilée et pour l'instant elle me convient. Comme vous le voyez sur la photo à droite j'avais déjà le rouge à lèvre Maybelline que j'aime vraiment beaucoup, mais il ne tient pas. C'est ce qui m'a poussé à acheter un rouge à lèvre de chez Mac qui sont connu pour bien tenir sur les lèvres et c'est vrai.

I recently bought myself my first Mac lipstick to go with the lip crayon that my sister got me for my birthday. The girl adviced to go with the Jubilee color and I like it. I wanted a nude color. On the picture on the right you can see I already hat this lipstick from Maybelline that I really really love but it doesn't last. So that's why I wanted to try a Mac one, because they're known to last and they do.

Lors d'une séance shopping avec des copines le jour de notre dernier examen nous avons terminé cela en beauté avec un Starbucks. J'ai décidé de tester le thé froid, goût thé vert, car il n'y avait pas citron et je n'avais pas envie d'une boisson chaude. Le goût était un peu spécial, mais une fois qu'on s'y habitue c'est très bon. Le thé vert est très bon pour la santé et c'est devenue ma boisson spéciale préférée que je m'offrirai souvent depuis que j'ai découvert qu'elle ne coutait seulement 2,50€ !!! Chez Starbucks c'est très étonnant, mes copines ont presque payé 6€ leur boisson chaude alors je peux vous dire que j'en était d'autant plus heureuse :) !!

After a shopping session with my friends after out last exam with treated ourselves with a Starbucks. I chose the green tea because I didn't want to order a hot drink. The taste was a bit special, but very good. Green tea is very good for your body and it became my favorite treat drink since I found out that it only costs 2,50€ !!! That is very cheap for Starbucks because my friends paied their hot drinks for almost 6€ so I was even happier :) !!

Vous l'aurez probablement deviné, mais depuis que j'ai découvert le site SheInside j'en suis fan ! Tout est très abordable niveau prix et ça c'est génial. Je ne vous en dis pas plus, car je vous réserve une article rien que sur cette marque pour très bientôt !

You've probably guessed it but since I discovered SheInside I'm all for it ! Everything is very affordable ! I'm telling you more about it because you'll know everything in a future post that I'm planning for very soon !

Depuis que j'ai découvert les onsie de chez Primark je trouve qu'il n'y a rien de mieux niveau confort. Je les porte tout le temps, même en journée. Et surtout ça ne coute rien du tout !

Since I discovered the Primark onsies I don't think there's anything more comfortable. I wear them all the time, even during the day. And mostly, they are very affordable !

Je vous avais parlé de ces pinceaux à maquillage de chez SheInside dans mon article avec mes favoris de l'année 2014. Je ne les ai payé que 12€ et ils sont top ! J'en utilise 3 régulièrement et je les adore. Je ne sais pas quoi dire de plus qu'ils sont bien.

I've told about these SheInside make-up brushes in my 2014 favorites post. I bought them for 12€ and they are very good ! I use 3 of them on a daily basis and I love them. I don't what to tell you more except they're good.

Il y a un peu plus d'une semaine j'ai découvert que l'on pouvait trouver les baumes EOS en Belgique chez Urban Outfitters. J'ai choisi celui au citron, car j'aime tout ce qui goute ou sent le citron. Malgré son prix à un peu plus de 8€, ce produit en vaut la peine. Il est composé à 100% d'ingrédients naturels et 95% de ceux-ci sont bio. Très bon point selon moi. Je comprend pourquoi toutes les youtubeuses américaines aiment ce produit. Il hydrate bien et j'adore sa forme originale. En plus celui-ci protège aussi du soleil comme vous pouvez le voir sur la photo avec un SPF 15 !

I recently discovered that we could get our hands on the EOS lipbalms in Belgium at Urban Outfitters. I chose the lemon one because I love lemons. Despite its price at 8€ and more this product is worth its price. All the ingredients are natural and 95% of them are bio. Very good thing. I totally get it why all the American youtubers love this. It mosturises and I love its original form. And it aslo protects your lips from the sun like you can see on the picture with an SPF 15 !

Vous avez lu à propos de ce pantalon Zara dans mon dernier article donc je ne vais pas en parler, mais vous pouvez le retrouver ici en tout cas je l'aime d'amour !

You've read all about these pants here so I won't say anything but I'm in love with these pants from Zara.

Niveau nourriture, j'ai découvert les macaronis au fromage de chez Miracolli (je crois) et c'est délicieux !!!

As for food, I discovered and fell in love with the Mac'n Cheese from Miracolli (I think) and it's delicious !!!

Vous avez déjà vu ce sac sur mon blog et sur les réseaux sociaux donc je ne vais pas beaucoup en parler, mais je suis fan de mon nouveau sac Zadig & Voltaire.

You've already seen this bag on my blog and on social medias so I won't be long, but I really love it ! 

Etant étudiante je n'ai pas beaucoup de sous pour tout. Et vu que j'aime tout ce qui touche aux cheveux j'aime bien expérimenter chez moi ce que je peux en faire. Je me coupe régulièrement les cheveux moi-même, mais j'ai remarqué qu'avec des ciseaux normaux, ça les abîme. J'ai donc décidé de dépenser 8€ pour m'acheter des ciseaux conçus pour couper les cheveux chez Hema. Je n'ai eu l'occasion que de les tester une seule fois, mais ils ont l'air vraiment bien !

As a student I don't have a lot of money to spend on everything. Since I love everything doing with hair I love to experiment at home and cut my own hair. But I noticed that with regular cissors it damages your hair, so I decided to spend 8€ on cissors made for cutting your hair at Hema. I only tried them once but they seem really good.


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Snow day & Biker pants

mercredi, janvier 28, 2015 Unknown 1 Commentaires

 Hello les girls :)

Je suis très excitée de vous montrer cette nouvelle tenue que j'adoooore ! Tout est nouveau (ou presque)

Certaines d'entre vous reconnaitront peut-être ce pantalon en cuir de chez Zara qui s'est trouvé être introuvable. J'en ai fais des magasins Zara pour le trouver ! Il n'est pas de la nouvelle collection mais apparemment à part au magasin Avenue Louise personne ne l'avait jamais vu et pourtant moi, mais j'attendais les soldes pour me l'acheter sauf qu'il est renouvelé et que donc il n'était pas soldé mais je l'aime tellement que je l'ai pris quand même ! Je trouve qu'on dirait un vrai pantalon en cuir et j'adore tous ses détails. Il est un peu grand sur moi malgré la taille XS, mais bon comme j'ai ça avec tous mes pantalons ça ne me dérange pas tellement surtout que les slims Zara sont connus pour se déchirer facilement aux genoux alors j'ai peut-être moins de risque s'il est un peu grand sur moi.

Après pour le reste de la tenue à part l'écharpe qui vient aussi de chez Zara, le sac et les chaussures tout vient de chez SheInside !!

A nouveau je vous propose de laisser vos questions sur ce site dans les commentaires pour y répondre dans un prochain article que je vous prépare depuis quelques temps :)

J'aime beaucoup tout ce que je porte, évidemment sinon je ne le porterais pas ... J'adore cette veste gris foncé qui fait un peu madame mais comme j'aime.

Ensuite en dessous de la veste se cache un pull noir en grosses mailles bien épais et chaud, vraiment le top, je suis étonnée de la qualité !

Et puis tout en dessous de toutes ces couches j'ai testé le motif léopard. J'avais vraiment peur de cet imprimé. Je l'aime beaucoup seulement j'avais en tête ces femmes âgées que l'on voit dans les boites habillées vulgairement vous voyez .. ? Par contre sur une (jeune) brune je trouve cela vraiment très beau. Comme je suis blonde j'avais peur de ce à quoi cela pouvait ressembler. Seulement, avec cette coupe très large je trouve que cette chemise ne me va pas trop mal. Qu'en pensez-vous ? Donc je suis contente de mon achat. J'ai également repéré chez Zara une veste en fausse fourrure en léopard seulement en soldes elle coute toujours 50€ donc je trouve ça un peu cher pour une pièce que je ne porterai pas assez souvent alors je me tâte ...

Et puis enfin je vous montre cette merveille de chez Zadig&Voltaire que je vous avais montrée sur les réseaux sociaux donc n'hésitez pas à me suivre sur Facebook et Instagram :) Cela fait des années que je zieute comme on dit chez moi ce magnifique sac. Je le trouve vraiment magnifique ! Et ma soeur aussi. Ca tombait bien, car même bien soldé il coutait toujours cher alors on a décidé de se l'acheter à deux. Ca coute deux fois moins cher du coup vous vous en doutez ... Il existe aussi en noir, mais on a décidé de la prendre en couleur carbone pour qu'il reste foncé, mais qu'il se démarque de nos autres sacs noirs et de nos tenues noires. Il nous a été livré très rapidement gratuitement dans un point Kiala et il est très pratique et plus grand qu'il ne parait ! Franchement je vous le recommande si un jour vous voulez vous offrir un beau sac mais qui n'est pas trop grand, car nous les filles avons tendance à trop remplir nos grands sac. Ici il n'y a pas ce problème.

Enfin voilà je pense que vous avez donc compris que j'aime tout ce qui compose cette tenue. Y compris les lunettes de soleil que je n'ai plus l'habitude de pouvoir sortir, mais ce jour-là malgré la neige il faisait ensoleillé.

Donnez-moi votre avis en commentaire sur cette tenue et on se retrouve très vite,


Hello girls :)

Today I'm very excited to show you this new outfit that I just loooove ! (almost) Everything is brand new.

Some of you might recognize these pants from Zara that seems to be unknown in Zara Belgian stores. I've went to plenty of Zara's and no one knew these. It's not from the new collection like they seemed to think because I've seen it a long time ago but I was waiting for the sales to buy except it isn't on sale.I love it so much that I bought it even though it's a little bit big on me, but every pants is on me so I'm used to it. I love all the details on these leather pants.

Except for the scarf that also comes from Zara, the purse and the shoes everything is from SheInside !!

I'm telling you again to leave your questions about this brand below so that I can aswer it in the next post I'm preparing.

I really like what I wear on these photos, obviously otherwise I wouldn't be wearing it ... I love this dark grey coat, a little lady like just like I like it.

Then underneath I'm wearing a big and thick black jumper, it keeps you really warm and I'm very impressed with the quality of this jumper !

Underneath all those layers I tried the leo print. I was really afraid of what it might look on a blonde, on me. I had this picture in my head with the old lady hanging in clubs in leo prints, you know ..? But on a (young) brunette I find this print very beautiful. So what do you think about it on me ? I like it because of the large shape it has. So I'm happy with my purchase. I also spotted a faux-fur leo jacket at Zara but even on sale it was 50€ so it's a little bit expensive for something I'm going to wear that often, in my opinion so I don't know if I should buy it or not...

 And then finally I'm showing you my piece of art from Zadig&Voltaire that I've showed on social media so don't forget to follow me the on Facebook and Instagram :) I've been eyeing this purse for many years. I find it perfect and so does my sister. So that was perfect because even on sale it was still expensive so we bought it together. It aslo exists in black but we decided to buy it in the carbone color so that it isn't like other bags and our black outfits. It was delivered to us by Kiala real quick and the bag itself is very useful, practical and big. I really recommend it to you if you're ever looking for a smaller bag because us girls tend to put too much stuff in our big bags.

That's it girls, I think you all understand I love this outfit and everything that is in it. And I was glad to wear my sunglasses because of the sun there was on this sunny day.

Please leave me your comments on this outfit and I'll see you guys soon,
Pants: Zara // Bag: Zadig&Voltaire // Jacket: SheInside // Knit: SheInside // Blouse: SheInside // Boots: Pimkie // Sunglasses: Ray-Ban // Scarf: Zara

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Christmas tree ??

vendredi, janvier 23, 2015 Unknown 0 Commentaires

Hello tout le monde,

En ce moment j'ai énormément de mal à trouver quelqu'un pour faire des photos avec moi pour le blog et une météo qui le permet.
Je vous explique ce matin j'avais tout préparé pour faire des photos avec ma soeur avant qu'elle aille en cours, car elle commençait un peu plus tard. L'appareil photo était plat. C'est pas grave j'en ferai dans 30min avec mon papa ancien photographe amateur mais qui en a fait son métier pendant quelques années. On s'y met et puis quand je regarde le résultat rien n'est bien ! Le temps était tellement mauvais et gris que rien ne donnait bien. Les photos elles aussi étaient grise et fades. MOCHES je vous dis :)

Du coup je vous montre les photos que j'avais faites pendant les fêtes avec la même tenue. Sauf que depuis le temps je voulais vous en faire d'autres à la lumière du jour et sans le sapin de Noël mais bon ce sera pour la prochaine fois ..

Je suis vraiment déçue mais bon ces photos étant réussies à mon goût je vous les montre quand même avec le sapin en arrière-plan.

Pourtant je vous promet que je ne manque pas d'idées. J'ai une liste plein d'idées et des tonnes de nouveaux vêtements à vous montrer donc dès que je trouve un photographe disponible je vous montre tout ça.

Encore une fois je porte une pièce Sheinside que j'aime, ce pull est tout doux et vous en verrez plusieurs dans les prochains articles, car j'ai reçu plusieurs commandes.

Si vous voulez que je vous fasse un article sur le site Sheinside n'hésitez pas à me laisser en commentaires les questions auxquelles vous voudriez que je réponde.

Bon week-end à toutes ! Moi normalement je vous photographierai deux looks donc c'est une bonne nouvelle !



Hello everyone,

These days I find it very difficult to find someone able to take photos with me for the blog and a good weather.

Let me explain it to you. This morning I woke up early and prepared everything in order to take pictures with my sister before she went to school because she started a little bit later. The camera was dead. Never mind I'll take photos with my father later. He was a photographer for a few years. So here we go taking photos. When I looked a it everything was horrible. The weather was so bag and smogy that all the pictures were grey and so was I (on the pictures).

So I have no other choice than to show you the photos I took with the exact same outfit but during the Holidays and with the Christmas tree ..

I'm really disappointed because I really wanted to take beautiful pictures with natural light and without the Christmas tree.

And I can assure you that I have plenty ideas for the blog, a whole list, plenty new clothes to show you  so as soon as I find someone to take the photos you'll know it.

Once again I'm wearing a Sheinside piece that I love, it's so fuzzy and you will see many more because during my exams may deliveries came in.

If you guys want me to do a post about this brand Sheinside leave me your questions and requests below so that I can answer them.
Have a nice week-end girls ! I will normally shoot you 2 looks so that's good news.

Top, Pants and Boots: Zara // Sweater: Sheinside (link) // Jewels: Mya Bay and I.Ma.Gi.N.

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2014 Favorites

samedi, janvier 17, 2015 Unknown 0 Commentaires

Hello girls today is a day without exams so I'm finally taking time to make you girls a new post. Like many bloggers or Youtubers have probably made one, I'm showing you all my favorites from this past year 2014. Going from make-up to blogs. I figured that I'm allowed to since it's still January. This is going to be pretty long so let's get starting girls :)


As I have curly, wavy and colored hair I really like to use whatever is good for it. You all know I love all the Syoss products but this year I discovered new products.

A little more than a year ago I got the L'oréal Stempod straightener and one product that goes with it for my birthday. Now that I'm used to this I don't think I can survive without it, that's how much I love it !!! It is a steam straightener, it's less damaging and the products are filled with keratine (a natural component of you hair) that activates with the steam so it really deaply nourrishes your hair !

From L'oréal I also tried The Mystic Oil shampoo and the Fibralogy shampoo and conditioner wich I like to use. Post (here)

And then finally, since I died my hair this past year and that I decided 8 months ago to stop dying it and let my roots grow so I can maybe end up with a natural ombré effect blabla ... I sometimes like to use the Blonde shampoo from Frieda that lightens a bit my roots so that it looks more natural :)

Post about my Holy Grail Hair Products (here)


I recently ordered Sheinside make-up brushes which I'll make a post about very soon :)

This year when I was wearing foundation it was the Perfect Skin foundation from Maybelline
For eyeshadows I splureged myself on 2 trips this year with the Naked 2 and 3(but I mostly like the second) eyeshadow palettes from Urban Decay 

As for nailpolishes all my friends know I'm all about the Essie nailpolishes (addicted!!). Since I've tried my first Essie nailpolish (Fidji) my collection has grown bigger and bigger and I still haven't found anything that compares to it (quality, long lasting...) Post (here)

My favorite mascara for this year is the Rocket Volume Express from Maybelline. I have pretty long eyelashes so this one gives more volume.

Post about my Holy Grail Beauty products (here)


Now let's talk about skincare. I've never really had skin problems but since October of this year I don't know what my skin is trying to tell me but it's all going cray-cray ...

I've tried everything, deeply cleansing, exfoliating, not wearing make-up, stopping using some products, but nothing does the trick.

I have to say though that my skin is dehydrated and really sensitive. I can't use any skin care products that don't come from pharmaceutical brands which sucks because it's expensive !

I stick to my Laroche Posay products Effaclar that treats skin issues, spots, .. I have the spot treatment and the cleanser. I also use everynight the Hydrea mosturizer to hydrate my skin.
I started to use my Clarins gentle cleanser in the shower wich is really soft on my skin but does the job. And I use it (almost everynight) for 30 seconds with my Sonic Cleansing System brush from Clinique which I think has emproved my skin quality. The problem is that since a little month I don't use it that often since I don't really need that much skin cleaning because I don't do anything during my exams and I think that my skin feels it cause it started making more spots again. So I really think that these 2 products together make a difference for me but I'm still not 100% sure.


I just recently found out about this Chineese website called Sheinside it's very affordable and don't worry girls cause I'm planning on doing a post all about it ;-)

For juwellery I'm totally in love with Mya Bay and I.Ma.Gi.N. and I got the chance to expand my collection as my Christmas gifts and I'm in love with everything. I love stacking all the bracelets together !
I also love the jewels from My Little Treasure by C but you already know that if you've seen my post about it. Post (here)

This year I also re-discovered the Levis brand that everyone knows, but before my trop to Paris I've never tried anything from them but the few pieces I own, I love :) ! Posts (here) and (here)

Belgian Pauker clothes, iPhone cases,... which I'm faithful to since many years. Posts (here)  and (here)

Belgian brand Maison Louise Collection Headbands. I'm in love with everything they make ! Post (here)

La Boutique Frenchie clothes offers clothes on their Facebook fan page (here) and during Private sales so they offer exclusivity which I really like. Posts (here) and (here)

Yes Boutique also offers exclusivity and new stuff all the time. You can find them on Facebook, Instagram and on their new website (here)


My Gérard Darel 24h Purse that I love but don't wear enough cause it doesn't close. Since I go to school in the capital, in Brussels I'm not very comfortable wearing a purse that doesn't close :/

The classic and known Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 purse that I got for my 18th birthday. I don't get the chance to wear it that often because it's not really convenient for me to go to school with it but I still love it very much !

This past year I rewarded myself because I needed it with a Clio Goldbrenner bag that appeared many times on the blog. I love its unusual form because I see women always wearing the same model, the classic, the first one but I've only seen one girl wearing the same one as mine, so I'm very happy with that ! I don't like having the same thing as everyone.

My love for Zadig&Voltaire purses is getting stronger: I offered my dark green one to myself more than a year ago and this week my sister and I both bought together a new on which I'm OBSESSED with and like you can guess it will appear pretty soon on the blog cause it's just so pretty and perfect !


Action store in Belgium with really inexpensive everything, not only decoration. I found a mirror for 7€, paintings with quotes for 3€, sented candels at 1€ ... I recommend for you Belgian girls to check this store out because it's really worth it ! (Post here)


Ingrid Nilsen's link (American) Just love her
Caroline&Safia's link (French) 2 friends passionate by life and enjoying what it has to offer
Amelia Liana's link (British) I love her life, style,...
Allie Sevdallis' link (Canadian) I just love her style
LufyMakesYouUp's link (Belgian) Famuost Belgian youtuber so obviously I have to follow her :)
Melissa Soldera's link (Canadian) Her channel is more fashion oriented which I love. 


This year really became the year when I got interested in  blogs. Before that I only watched Youtube videos and then I first found out about The Wild Girl and I really liked it because she has style, she's pretty famous in Belgium and she's Belgian. I love supporting Belgian things. So next to that I discovered many bloggers but she was also the one that motivated me to create my blog.
(The links to all these bloggers are on their name ;-) )

Other famous Belgian blogger is The Styling Pot she posts really often. She has her own style that I would describe like very relaxed. A lot of fur, feathers, flowers ...

Then there's Milkywaysblueyes I just love her style ! I would love to meet her one day. She wears really nice clothes and pairs them very well !

An American blogger that I like is Angela Lanter. I'm very jealous of her because she is married to the guy that plays Liam in 90210, you know that very handsome Liam .. Anyways, I really like her style. She wears affordable clothes eventhough she couls only dress-up in expensive brands.

My one and only favorite French blogger is Noholita but you may have alreday figured that out because I made a all post of her. I LOVE her and would also like to meet her one day. She posts almost everyday and every evening I go on her blog to see what's new. I'm in love with her style. She wears everything and does it perfectly ! She wears things that I like but don't dare to wear in real like. And she wears really affordable clothes. She's the one who made me discover Sheinside. Post (here)
And then finally, there's 2 friends of mine.
Follow Noor Around and her sister Shades of Shadeh. Noor is currently in Germany for this year and she writes about her life, what she buys, what she sees ... and her sister holds a fashion blog. You should definitely go check these blogs out !


Now if you know me well in real like you already know that I'm a series addicted. I love it !!!
For the moment I have 3 favorites:

Most people must already know at least by name of Revenge. I can't even tell you how much I love this show ! I've been watching it for several years and eventhough I think the second season is not as good as the others since the third season I'm obsessed with it !

Have you girls watched Newport Beach back in the days ? If you did and love Rachel Bilson who played Summer you will love Hart of Dixie. She plays the role of a surgeon from New York who moves out to Alabama and has heart problems. I'm not talking about health but love girls :) You will see this show is very good !

And finally, I think most you have at least watched once The Vampire Diaries which I also really like but my last favorite of the moment is a seria that is a spin off of it and called The Originals. It's based in New Orleans with the original vampires (Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah...). I love this show. There's always new problems with other vampires, witches like in the Vampire Diaries.

That's it girls. Sorry if this post is a bit long but I really wanted to make this special post. I hope you'll enjoy it. I only have one exam left and I have lots of outfits and other things to tell you about once I'm finished with my exams. I just have to find some to take the pictures for me because my sister is really busy for the moment but I hope I will be able to show you everything new in my closet.

See you soon girls:)

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